When I see something that would make a great

When I see something that would make a great hostess gift I always wish someone would invite me to their beach house already I could be like Oprah’s buddy Colin Cowie, who has a closet in his pad that’s stocked with pre-wrapped candles a…

When I see something that would make a great hostess gift I always wish someone would invite me to their beach house already I could be like Oprah’s buddy Colin Cowie, who has a closet in his pad that’s stocked with pre-wrapped candles and little gifts for those unexpected invitations [dahling].

Anyway, these are not rocks, they are soaps made with soya bean, sesame oil and other natural goodies.  They’re gentle enough for face and body.  And SO PRETTY for the fancy pants that invites you to their beach house this summer.

Does this: Beautiful gift; item you put in your guest loo and then burn with annoyance when someone actually touches it
Is this: Matahari Rock Soaps
Get this: Online at Tauk Montauk above
Price: $12.00 each

Images: Heather Marks by Enrique Badulescu for Velvet via; rocks via House Beautiful