This is the weirdest thing ever so just go with us
This is the weirdest thing ever so just go with us for a minute. No this is not about periods, although that would be cool too.
Cellu-cup is an unbreakable massage tool that is used to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. It mimics the massage technique of “pinch and roll” {no comment} and it is clinically proven to reduce skin’s orange peel appearance while really adding a lot of intrigue around the house in terms of what the hell you do in the shower just by its mere existence.
Just look at it! It’s glittery too. Anyway, you basically suction it onto your problem areas and it draws circulation there, which I strongly believe factors into cellulite based on everything I’ve heard and read, and thus I feel pretty good about how this thing could help if used on a regular basis. It’s sort of fun, and a nice massage, so we have to cosign … but don’t come crying to us when someone steals it from your shower … or bags it as evidence of your freakiness.
Does This: Reduces the appearance of cellulite
Is This: Cellu-Cup
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Price: $19
Image Source: Ftape/Vogue Paris, product c/o the brand