seasonal survival tip part 1 of many
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Well. Gone are the days of floating in the sea around here ... until many months from now. Let the hibernation begin ... in my bathtub. Good news is, while we winter over here we can steal summer from the Aussies in the form of this handmade Pink Detox bath, which purports to replenish to help undo the bad deeds of pies, wines and stuffed birds of the coming months - which frankly is their only saving grace.
This soak, made from Pink Himalayan sea salt and ginger, packs an antioxidants and trace mineral punch while also boosting electrolytes. Claiming to remove lactic acid (produced during a strenuous workout), replenish lost minerals, and reduce bloating, I think we can agree that at a minimum it smells and feels amazing while clearing out your head. Consider the rest a (pre-) holiday bonus.
Does This: Washes away dirt, toxins & flaky skin
Is This: Pink Detox Bath Salts
Price: $18.95