I have a belief in life that one should have
I have a belief in life that one should have lingerie items. I don’t mean actual lingerie (that’s great too), I just mean things that make you feel good that are kind of your secret.
Mine are … mocha lattes, which is a total scam with myself to drink hot chocolate for breakfast … my 3 tiny ear studs which look like I got them at the drugstore but were painstakingly made by my husband and a guy in the diamond district from an old ring (not expensive, just special) … and this crappy but amazing fluorescent pink iridescent glitter lip gloss. Basically, it’s the hot pink lace thong of makeup.
You may ask how this is subtle and “secret” … Well, it goes on basically clear. The glitter is like an up-close-and-personal thing only, otherwise you can’t see it. The pop of color in the tube is so satisfying for some odd reason! Trust me on this one.
Does this: Lip gloss that’s sheer pale pink on, amazingly cute in the tube
Is this: LASplash Lipgloss in Santa Monica
Get this: Above or at your local Duane Reade
Price: ~$6.99
What are your “lingerie items” - I mean, read above again, I’m not asking you to tell the internets about your underwear, friends. I guess you can if you want though.
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