merry & BRIGHT

Do you feel like your IG feed is filled with guys and gals with blue light shining from their pieholes? Do you find this deeply intriguing and feel oddly jealous that you too can’t whiten your teeth at home without buying some strange, sketchy system? I feel you. I was so excited to get this IGNITE LED Teeth Whitening System.

at home LED teeth whitening

I have VERY sensitive teeth to the extent that I can’t use drugstore whitestrips on my bottom teeth at all without feeling like someone took a file to my tooth surfaces. So I approached this gadget with care, but was super psyched about the results. The LED light intensifies the effect of the whitening gel and the application is much more precise that laying on a strip. It was way more comfortable than drugstore strips on every level.

Here’s how it goes down:

  • Clean your teeth with the little fingerling thing - this creates a dry, dehydrated surface to absorb the gel

  • Paint the gel on to your newly dry teeth

  • Put on the weird headband, feel like you have terrible orthodontics from middle school again, then realize it really doesn’t matter because you’re alone in your house and can work, watch TV, look at other people whitening their teeth on Insta, etc. because the head thing holds the LED light in your mouth

  • Wait 20 mins. Get teeth up to 4 shades whiter.

You can repeat it more than once a day. It actually comes with a cute whitening chart to compare your results, as well as a travel case, and a ton of covers for the LED mouthpiece so you can share it with your shiny happy people. I have a crown on my front tooth so I couldn’t go bananas with it … the porcelain crown will always stay its original color since it isn’t affected by whitening agents … so I just try to make sure the rest of my teeth stay as bright as the crown, and I love adding this to my routine for maintenance.

It’s on sale for $49.95 so consider your holiday season merry & your teeth MAD BRIGHT.