I’m really proud to say I’m the exclusive
I’m really proud to say I’m the exclusive 103138194th person to post this photo.
This picture makes me want to wear lip color and steal a brown contact from the optician … they always leave me alone in there anyway. But here is my deal - I’m kind of afraid of lipstick. I feel like I need to check in the mirror every 30 seconds when I have it on in case it’s moved off my mouth in a clown-like fashion. Also, do you guys actually have lip liner to match all your different lipsticks? Do people do that?
But anyway! Prayers answered: look what Bite just sent … their new invisible lip liner/primer.
This extra-big rubberized pencil has its own sharpener, and the formula is super minty … it’s very tempting to use it as a lip balm although the consistency is harder. It creates a feather-proof outer lip line and a longwear base for lipstick - so easy, I really don’t know where this thing was heretofore?
Anyway, it’s here now! Check it out with your own uniformly colored eyes ->
Does this: Clear lip liner and primer that works, tastes delicious and has a great package
Is this: Bite Line + Define Lip Primer
Get this: Above
Price: $22.00
Image: InStyle