file under/some things I’ve been thinking about
file under/some things I’ve been thinking about –
Find people with high expectations and a low tolerance for
excuses. They’ll have higher expectations for you than you have for
yourself. Don’t flatter yourself that this has much to do with you -
this is just who they are. Don’t look for “nice” in these relationships. Look for trust.
Be fearless in front of them with your
ideas/art/sport/love as many times as they’ll let you. Sometimes this
will be exhilarating; a lot of the time it will be embarrassing. The
embarrassing times are when you’re improving. There’s no way to get
better at anything without horribly uncomfortable moments of humility in
front of people you respect.
It all takes a long time - and if you just keep showing up it can go on forever.
Also, a sense of humor is the best painkiller.
all I’ve got & it’s nothing new. But my gratitude … and holiday
weekend survival tactics … kept bringing me back to these people - so
thankful for them in all areas of my life, and our history & future
image via: Bon Expose