As much as I’m a fan of drugstore deodorant, I do
As much as I’m a fan of drugstore deodorant, I do sometimes ask myself if it’s really the best for my body - and ironically, I really only pile on the deo stick when I’m caring about myself - i.e. working out, running, etc.
Kelly Teegarden Organics products was created by a stage 3 thyroid cancer survivor. Kelly was aware that one potential contributor to cancer is chronic exposure to cancer causing chemicals that are found in skincare and cosmetics. For this reason she was motivated to create a skincare line (KTO) that’s dedicated to creating products that don’t include potentially dangerous chemicals as well as raise awareness of what is actually in the products you use on a daily basis.
This all natural deodorant is effective and awesome. It’s infused with botanical extracts and green tea plant stem cells as well as being high in antioxidants. Kelly admits that after having her thyroid removed she “suffered from body odor for years.” Whether you have health concerns, are looking to clean up your act, or are just trying to find a deodorant that actually works while being good for you … I recommend it.
Does This: Eliminates body odor & protects against sweat
Is This: FINALLY, all natural deodorant made by KTO
Price: $11
Image Source: Vogue Paris